SOME OF THE COMPLETED TASKS ----------------------------------------------- - DONE: fixed the do not dilate page update item message appearance - DONE: after adding new note on the admin page to an item category, the page will now reload to show the added note(s); - DONE: on the admin page, "add category" should not show unless a chapter is selected - DONE: "add items" should not show unless a category is selected - DONE: better confirmation of drugs added - DONE: better way to display drugs about to be added - DONE: reduce the drops to only the essentials, only the ones actually used at COPC. - DONE: ability to edit the drugs items, change title, strength, image, etc. - DONE: Notify techs when their repair has been marked as completed - DONE: if user has notification, show a red bubble on top of their monogram with the number of unread notifications - DONE: show bubble for unread notifications - DONE: setup notifications area - DONE: do not dilate list is now categorized for better organization and easier to find - DONE: fixed typos, grammar, and spelling errors - DONE: techs, when logged in, can add personal notes to each category; these notes will be visible only to them; and does not affect the general techbook - DONE: ability to edit description of the drug categories - DONE: users can now add their own notes - DONE: tech can see all notes from a central area, also edit the notes from this central area - DONE: better organize the do not dilate list, currently it is just a list of items, it should be organized by category and subcategory for easier navigation - DONE: upon first login, if user still has the default password, they are prompted to change it; if they do not change it, they are logged out. - DONE: forgot password feature now fully implemented; if a user forgets their password they can request to have it reset. an email will be sent to the user with a reset password link that expires in 60 minutes. - DONE: on the repair request page, hide the "add more description" input and only show on user request - DONE: finish the ability to edit notes - DONE: ability to add users - DONE: ability to manage users, delete, change details, etc. - DONE: the ability to add pictures to repair request is completed - DONE: have pdf files open in separate window for the desktop app version where tabs are not allowed -- NOW opens in new window - DONE: Finish drops section: ability to add OTC medications, ability click med and get more info - DONE: show change log and coming features or changes on the feedback tab - DONE: Create section for admins to manage users and roles and privileges - DONE: ability to assign roles, privileges to user - DONE: section in settings for developers and those with the privilege to force app refresh - DONE: when uploading an image, if after 2 minutes the image is not received, the user will need to try again - DONE: upload image security measures in place to prevent excess uploads - DONE: ability to add images to repair request - DONE: admins can now add roles - DONE: Finish ability to add abbreviations (admin only) - DONE: ability to edit/delete abbreviations (admin only) - DONE: fix dnd section for the admin side. currently it is not working - DONE: last login date and time is now displayed on the user profile page - DONE: implement capability to save searches for the specified length of time - DONE: ability to remember where a user left off, save their location in the database and retrieve it on login - DONE: ability to delete chapters, categories from drops in the admin section - DONE: open print 'stuff' in iframe so that it can be printed and not disrupt user experience - DONE: display repair images (if exists) in the pdf printout / email - DONE: when click on privileges on the role list, give the ability to remove that privilege from the role - DONE: ability for senior technicians to add notes to the repair request - DONE: ability for senior technicians to complete the repair request - DONE: create audit trail for all changes to the database - DONE: ability to edit role names (super and developer only) - DONE: ability to delete roles (super and developer only) - DONE: ability to add, delete, edit providers (super, admin, and developer only) - DONE: ability to delete a repair request (admins only) - DONE: when repair is submitted, set to the button to disabled and change text to "sending" until the repair is submitted then change it back to "submit" - DONE: Notify all administrators and senior technicians when a repair request has been added - DONE: change logo color to differentiate admins, senior techs, and techs - DONE: on submit search field should go to the first item in the list - DONE: when expand all is clicked, notes will also expand - DONE: hide "expand all" if no notes to expand or no exceptions to expand